Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous.
Heartless, mindless. No one. who care about me?
I guess I have no choice but to tolerate who was lost outside
Even though I close my eyes
MAMA! Answer me, why did the people change
Did they notice the existence of that time
I have forgotten how to just hear, love and care, no longer but lost
Turning their backs while working while living
Full of envy behing that anonymous mask
Even after seeing the end, you’re still full with hunger
Are you satisfied now?
Wouldn’t we face our eyes anymore?
Wouldn’t we communicate? Wouldn’t we love?
Tearing up to the reality that hurts
Say MAMA if you can change it, say MAMA
From a day we were behind the bars of a smart prison voluntarily
0 & 1 were used digitally to make my personality
There is no life, feelings and warmth over there, there is only trashy language
There’s a wilderness of a self-desolated one
Lonliness increases as days go by
As human beings we can only be hurt. Yeah-
Laugh, cry all together, holding hands meeting that feeling
Each resemble and connect to each other
If you ever want to recover.
Wouldn’t we face our eyes anymore?
Wouldn’t we communicate? Wouldn’t we love?
Tearing up to the reality that hurts
Say MAMA if you can change it, say MAMA
Die, kill, shout the fight. This is not a war
MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA Help me to Turn back
MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA Aware of Rolling back
Getting hit and back, sharing sides, this is not even a game
MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA Help me to Turn back
Careless, careless. (MAMA) Shoot anonymous, anonymous. (MAMA)
Heartless, mindless. (MAMA) No one. Who care about me? (MAMA)
I’m grateful to be allowed to live in this blessed days
Every day creating new ties
Sharing good love with everyone rather than shhatered hearts
If you can still laugh
Wouldn’t we face our eyes anymore?
Wouldn’t we communicate? Wouldn’t we love?
Tearing up to the reality that hurts
Say MAMA if you can change it, say MAMA
Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous.
Heartless, mindless. No one. Who care about me?

Sunday, April 21, 2013


mau nge-post kenarsisan gue malam ini. just enjoy!:')

Happiness girl in her house!^^

Absurd gimana gitu yahx_x

oke ini postingan paling maksud dari semua postingan gue(?) ya maklumin aja ya kegalauan pas malam minggu datengnya baru malam senin:"" enjoy aja ya. Gnight readers!

Lost In love

Are we really breaking up now
Or are we just separated for a moment, like how we promised to be
This separation is already enough for me
Why haven’t I heard from you
I love you, I can wait for you endlessly
When you come to find me
I can smile at you, always oh
Am I still unable to accept it
That you turned around and announced our separation
I just want to accept the truth as it is
What are you doing now?
I love you, I can wait for you endlessly
When you come to find me
I can smile at you, always oh
Now that sadness slowly accumulates
Although I know that you really left
I can only hope to be nicer to you when you are back
Why am I behaving so stupidly
The time that you gave me
Is just time for us to even things out between us
I’ll not be sad
For the belief that you’ll come to find me
The belief makes my love stronger
And gives me the energy to live on

Thursday, April 18, 2013


AgisAlyaDefiDheaEsterHannyNadiraTamiTaniaSofiitu singkatan dari judul postingan gue:)) kita udh sahabatan dari awal smp. gajuga si sebenernya awalnya gue deket sama D2HNT trus NATA abis itu baru ES. ya panjang si jalan ceritanya hehe. imi mau ngepost foto disaat bareng mereka yaa, cekcek^^

dari foto ini gaada ester, fotonya belom ada. tapi nanti pas udh dipost kok^^ hehe


Hello everyone! this is my second post^^ sekarang gue mau cerita dan ngepost foto idola gue. bagi yang sone dan elf pasti tau singkatan 'TiffHae' yang belom tau,hmm... TiffHae itu singkatan dari Tiffany Donghae. awalnya gue gatau siapa mereka, band-nya apa, aliran kpop pun gue gangerti. awal gue suka tiffany pas pensi kls 7. disitu gue ikut modern dance. salah satu temen gue ada yang sone dan menganjurkan buat nari pake lagu run devil run sama genie. disitu gue kebagian pasrt-nya tiffany. karena gue masih polos dan gatau apa2 bingung, jadi gue ikutin aja. nah lama kelamaan gue jadi suka snsd dan jadi fanytastics. nah kalo jalan cerita gue suka donghae, awalnya grgr sebagian anak kls gue itu fangirl-nya super junior. nah gue disitu juga belum terlalu ngerti k-pop. jadi, gue ikut aja apa yang mereka omongin. elf di kls gue pada ngejelasin siapa aja member2-nya, video-nya, lagu2-nya gimana, sampe biography-nya pun juga:v nah akhirnya gue naksir ngefans sama yang namanya donghae, dan skrg berfandom fishy;3. oke ini ceritaku, bagaimana ceritamu(?) oke lupakan ke alay-an gue tadi skrg gue mau ngeshare foto tiffany sama donghae. check it out;)))





Wednesday, April 17, 2013


My first post;3*okelahgaushsokinggris. sekarang gue mau ngepost tentang kelas gue. 8xcellent. dibalik nama itu si adasejarah gaada apa2. jadi iseng2 aja buat nama itu. 8xcellent terbentuk pas 11 juni(?) more info about us just open our blog at www.eight-teenagers.blogspot.com*inggrislagi--". sekarang gue bakal

ngepost foto2 kita semua, selamat menyaksikan dan menikmati^^
 8xcellent's girls

Laboratorium IPA

BuKasiyani's Birthday{}

narsis all the time

Latihan Upacara

Dengan guru mtk terkece;3

Saung Udjo

Sekian dulu ya postingannya, enjoy!;)xx